Briefly about which stores and what purchases can be made in Limenaria on Thassos. This village is small, you will find everything yourself, wandering about it slowly and with pleasure, so we will indicate what you can find here and buy. So in Limenaria you can find: Specialty children's clothing stores And European and good quality. It's not about those counters opposite the pier of Limenaria, who everywhere offer Chinese clothing made of synthetics. It's about a couple of shops in the depths of the village. Fish store Fresh fish, shellfish, shrimp, mussels, squid and octopus. It is necessary to come here in the morning, to the very opening at 9 am, as everything is quickly dismantled. Find a store you can even by the smell. Vodafone office Greek telecom operator. It allows you to purchase a local SIM card, you do not need to drive to the capital (port of Limenas). You can set up 3G internet if there is not enough hotel wireless, and lie on the beach with internet access. The Internet on Thassos, by the way, is very decent. It allows not only surfing the sites, but also working. Antique and interesting items store In fact, there are several of them in Limenaria. They sell really interesting things that are brought from around the world. It's not about souvenir shops, in which the same type of goods "for memory." In one of them, located along the coastline, if you go towards the pier, the colorful owner constantly smokes something strongly smelling and, in my opinion, somewhat stupefying, but the goods are interesting and unusual. Pharmacy Pharmacies in Greece are not our pharmacies with medicines. In Thasos pharmacies, in Limenarias, cosmetics, body and hair care products are on the priority, slippers and slates are on display in the windows.  Minimarkets, grocery stores Well, there are a lot of mini-markets and grocery stores, prices in some significantly different, so try and look for a shop cheaper. Bank cards in these stores do not like, 80% of shops take only cash. Numerous souvenir shops stretch a slender line along the main tourist street Limenaria. Sell ??in them as traditional Greek goods, and goods of Chinese production.
Limenaria, Port of Limenas, Hotels in Thassos, Beach Limenaria, Beach Tripiti, Beach Metalia, Prices
Useful information about Thassos:
Interesting places, worthy of attention of tourists
What to bring from the island in memory - to yourself and loved ones. The most famous things of Thassos.
The most romantic way to get acquainted with the island - a sea trip on the boat.
Lagoon with turquoise water