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Tavern at the Amphitheater in Limenas Thassos

Ipsarion Mountain on Thassos

View from the mountain Perhaps one of the most exciting excursions to & nbsp; Thassos is a journey to & nbsp; Mount Ipsario, the highest point of the island. Actually, Ipsario in & nbsp; translation from & nbsp; English sounds like a & quot; insignificant elevation & raquo ;. However, if you are a professional climber, if I'm not a professional mountaineer, Ipsario will seem at least a significant place and it will be enough for an altitude of 1206 meters for eye.

This tour can be organized with the help of tour operators, for example, Muzenidis offers its own variants Travel. You can go yourself, but & nbsp; with & nbsp; an adequate assessment of your driving skills, and & nbsp; also taking into account the capabilities of your vehicle.

On & nbsp; than to go to Ipsario

Hare on the road in Ipsario As for the road, then it's on the" Ipsario "road is serpentine, so you should be extremely careful and always be on the alert. On the mountain road, there is the possibility of scratching your car because of the multitude of stones flying from under the wheels, so on new or rented cars should move neatly & nbsp; not & nbsp; quickly. On & nbsp; the entire road from & nbsp; to either side of & nbsp; you will be a cliff, so when traveling around a bad section of the road, carefully consider the dimensions of your car. Most often on & nbsp; Ipsario ride on & nbsp; cars and & nbsp; motorcycles. If there is a choice of auto, then plan a visit to this mountain in a car with a high ground clearance.

What will happen on the road to Ipsarios

Waterfalls, a forest lake, beekeepers, goats, hares, the village of Castro, an abandoned church.

Waterfall on the way to Ipsario Now about & nbsp; pleasant. In & nbsp; depending on & nbsp; selected route, you may encounter a forest lake, which is also a landmark of the island and & nbsp; quite famous among tourists. Next to the & nbsp; lake you will see a counter with & nbsp; jars of orange, pink and & nbsp; another honey & nbsp; & mdash; there are beekeepers who love to sell honey and nasosoderzhaschie drinks to customers Muzenidis Travel, which are led here by groups, and to any other lover of sweet.

Although the traveler behind the rudder will not have the beauty and admiration, all other passengers can enjoy the opening panorama of the mountain ranges and the peaks of the trees, to be surprised at the road traveled (how scary and & nbsp; nbsp; it looks interesting from the side of the already conquered serpentine road).

Road to Ipsario Thassos

You & nbsp; can meet different forest dwellers : for example, hares that pop up directly on the road or mountain goats that meet everywhere. Just marvel at how they are examining the almost vertical rock to and fro.

On the road you will meet a couple of waterfalls, a church.

Climb to the mountain

Minutes for & nbsp; 20 & nbsp; to & nbsp; rising directly to & nbsp; the highest Ipsario point, the vehicle will have to leave & nbsp; to go up on & nbsp; its two. Not hurrying, quietly, who with a shortness of breath and who without, you & nbsp; will climb up to the very top & nbsp; and, I hope, will arrange a picnic. To do this, from home, grab the necessary food and drink. Given that & nbsp; the time that you & nbsp; spent to get here, it will be a shame to hurry and & nbsp; not to stay here for at least a couple of hours.

At the top of Ipsario

View from the top of Ipsario At the top, you can see a wonderful panorama of the whole island and the surrounding area, you can see the peninsula of Halkidiki and Athos. There are big beaches, the capital of the island and & nbsp; all this & nbsp; & mdash; from & nbsp; heights of more than 1200 & nbsp; meters. People who are unprepared can get dizzy, so start taking pictures and & nbsp; move around, getting a little used to & nbsp; impressions. At & nbsp; the highest point, you & nbsp; you can see the pedestal that will let you know that you are not the first & nbsp; not the last ones who decided on & nbsp; this trip.

Leave the memory of yourself on Ipsario


In this pedestal there is a large exercise book, in the form of a granary book, in which it is customary to describe your feelings from & nbsp; the place and & nbsp; just pass greetings.

On Mount Ipsario the view

Mount Ipsario & nbsp; & mdash; an excellent place not only for viewing the terrain and & nbsp; contemplation of nature, but & nbsp; & nbsp; for privacy and & nbsp; thinking, for inspiration and & nbsp; joy. Probably, everyone will have their emotions from visiting this place.

How long will the trip take

The whole trip to & nbsp; Ipsario will take you at least half a day, so plan your return not at night. We & nbsp; are confident that visiting the highest point of the island will be for you the most memorable pastime on the island.

Thassos / Ipsario

Clarifying queries:

The highest mountain of the island

The highest mountain of the island

The highest point of the island. Include its conquest in your tourist plans.

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