It may happen that you will not have an easy choice where to go for a holiday: to Chalkidiki or to Thassos. So how these two places are not far from Thessaloniki, at the airport of which Russian tourists usually turn out, the question "Halkidiki or Thassos is quite relevant. First of all, you need to answer the question what do you want from rest, what kind of rest you need. Also you need to know the place, namely the "finger" of Halkidiki, where you would like to stay. For these three fingers are so different that the comparison with Thassos will be different. 
The first finger of Halkidiki and Thassos For example, if you threw a look at the first "finger" or "trident of Poseidon" Halikidiki - Cassandra, we would advise you, if possible, to go to Thassos. And nature, and the sea, and beaches, and Greek tradition - on Thassos is more diverse than on Cassandra. Cassandra - compared to Thassos and the middle finger of Halikidika Sithonia - it's not a rich vegetation due to comparatively not long ago a fire (large in area) and not very impressive mountains and hills. A good forest is on Cassandra in the Furka area, but there are very few original villages. There are only tourist villages with apartments on the site of former settlements. Although if Cassandra has nothing to compare with, since you were nowhere else in Greece, you may be impressed by her. Cassandra's photo Sithonia and Thassos If you compare Sithonia to Chalkidiki and Thasos Island - then it will be more difficult to make a choice. Sithonia is very green, rich in forests and hills, beaches and coves. She is very pleased with the eyes. There is no doubt to make a choice in favor of Thassos or Sithonia already. And in Sithonia and Thassos there are pine forests, beaches under the canopy of trees, spacious landscapes. In Sithonia, you will have more opportunities for civilization and shopping (if, of course, you need it). However, at Thassos you will have more opportunity to experience the real Greece, since there are villages in the island with such an old architecture and way that you should still look for in Halkidiki. Photos of Sithonia The third finger of Athos and Thassos As for the third "finger" of Halkidiki, Athos - then access to ordinary tourists is forbidden, because almost all of it is given to St. Athos. Between fingers and Thassos If you look at the places of Chalkidiki, located between the fingers (up to Cassandra or between Cassandra and Sithonia), the traffic there is incredible in the season. That is, to travel and get out somewhere, will be time-consuming. In addition, there is quite noisy and crowded. Some travelers are tempted by the thought that they can skate from one finger of Halkidiki to another, if they want new impressions. We disappoint you with the example that it takes about 2.5 hours to get from Cassandra (from the village of Fourka, which is comparatively not far from the beginning of Cassandra) to Sithonia (before Toroni) - that is, not to go round all of Sithonia, taking into account the traffic jams between the fingers. Take into account the way back (if you go without traffic jams, you can get there in 1.5 hours). Plus lying on the beach and going to the shops. That is, the trip will take you all day. If you do not get out of the car, you can go round Cassandra and Sithonia in a day. In general, if you need a place with a greater civilization and service, noise and companies, dating, then Halkidiki will suit you more . For traditional Greece and tranquility, go to Thassos.
Useful information about Thassos:
3rd century BC
Compare the two most green islands of Greece - Thassos and Corfu.
Interesting places, worthy of attention of tourists