If you are planning to travel to Greek Thassos from Moscow, then you have a choice how to do it. Since there is no direct Moscow-Thassos flight (there is no airport at Thassos), it is necessary to consider transplants, dockings. The nearest to Thassos airport is in the city of Kavala, but there is no direct flight from Russia either. But not everything is so sad, you can still get to this paradise island in practice and it's not difficult at all. At Thassos from Moscow via Athens If you fly to the Greek capital Athens, you it will take another flight to the town of Kavala. The flight takes only 1 hour. Further from Kavala you will take the ferry for 1.3 hours to the final destination - Thassos. To avoid self-connecting flights, you can buy a ticket from Moscow-Kavala with a transfer in Athens. At Thassos from Moscow via Thessaloniki If you do not like flying by plane, you can get to Thassos via Thessaloniki. In this case, you will need to fly the Moscow-Thessaloniki route, and then from Thessaloniki on the highway (by bus or on a rented car) to reach Kavala or to Keramoti. A journey by car from Thessaloniki to these cities will take approximately 2.5 hours. Then we sit on the ferry: from Kavala to Thassos, it swims about 1.5 hours, as was said above, and from Keramoti only 40 minutes.
Port of Limenas, Hotels in Thassos, Tour operator by Thassos
Useful information about Thassos:
How long will it take the road from Thassos to these major cities in Greece?
How to get to Thassos by yourself, without buying a tour in the agency
Where to rent a car in Thassos? List.
Interesting places, worthy of attention of tourists