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Tavern at the Amphitheater in Limenas Thassos

Weather in August

Weather in August

The weather in August on Thassos favors the most excellent rest and high tourist season.

The rains this month are few, the chances of precipitation are not great, but towards the end of the month the probability increases. However, they can not spoil the rest.

The air temperature in August is 40-45 degrees at noon, at night around 24 on average. The temperature of the water and the sea is 22-25 degrees.

Those who go to Thassos in the last days of August should prepare for the fact that by September the heat will begin to subside and in the hottest hours the temperature will be less than 40 degrees . At the same time the sea remains warm and heated during the two hottest months of Thassos.

Tags: Weather in Thassos

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3rd century BC

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