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Weather in September

Weather in September

The weather on the northern island Thassos in September is different from the weather of the southern islands in Greece.

September is the velvet season on many resorts of Greece, southern and northern, Thassos among them. However, the velvet season may spoil the increase in precipitation.

In early September, the probability of rain and wind increases dramatically on the Thassos. The temperature gets lower by a few degrees and the siesta is no longer that grueling heat. On average, the thermometer's column rises to +25 in the afternoon and +21 at night. The weather in early September resembles the June values ??for the amount of precipitation and air temperature, but the sea is more comfortable in September, as it managed to warm up all summer. The water temperature is about 23-24 degrees.

There are fewer people who are having a rest, breathing becomes easier in all senses. Until mid-September, at Thassos you can comfortably rest. The second half of September does not happen at times: another year it is quite possible to enjoy the weather and the sea, and in the following year very frequent rains begin at this time, and a more significant drop in temperature is observed. Therefore, if possible, come to Thassos in the first half of September.

Tags: Weather in Thassos

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